Category: Hunting Equipment

Preparing Early for Your Next Hunt Can Be a Major Benefit

hunting in Texas countryside

Serious hunters understand that hunting season begins long before opening day. The excitement and buzz about the upcoming season will encourage hunters to get started on their preparations sooner rather than later. The most experienced hunters begin to prepare and plan early. Subsequently, the most prepared hunters are the ones with the most success. Below,… Read more »

The Proper Tree Stand is Up to the Preference of the Hunter

Every hunter has their own preferences when it comes to hunting. From which time of day to hunt is best to which firearms are the best to use, but we’re talking about tree stands here. Every hunter may even give you a completely different answer when it comes to which tree stand is the best… Read more »

How Masking Your Odor Will Help Your Hunting Game

Deer have an incredible sense of smell. As a hunter, your odor is overwhelming, and they do not like it. Deer can detect the average human odor from as far away as 80 yards, and that’s if they aren’t downwind. So, masking your human odor is imperative to a successful hunt. There are a few… Read more »

Benefits of Family Hunting Trips

Father and son hunting whitetail deer in Texas

Hunting is not for everyone, but for some, it can be a wonderful learning and bonding experience with friends and family. With Schmidt Double T Ranches, you’ll get the bonding experience that your family needs. We have the land and guided hunts to help you learn and develop hunting skills that you’ll use for the… Read more »

Benefits to the Classic Winchester 30/30

Introduced as the first small-bore, sporting rifle cartridge for smokeless powder, the 30-30 is effectively the great North American deer cartridge. A .30 caliber bullet, loaded with 30 grains of smokeless powder, the name is derived from a combination of the cartridge size and design.   A refinement to a combination of size, portability and… Read more »

Center-Fire vs Rim-Fire Rifle Options

If you’re just getting into hunting and aren’t sure what gun you are in the market for, there are a number of factors to consider. Many hunters prefer shooting with a shotgun for its power and spread, advantageous for both nimble fowl and for penetrating tough buckskin alike. Still others prefer the accuracy of a… Read more »